29 Aug PT Trim Fat Burn: Sculpt Your Best Self
Imagine How a Struggling Single Mother of Three Lost 75 Pounds of Heart-Wrenching Fat Without Exercising or Tracking Calories Thanks to a New Discovery Just Below the Earth’s Crust
And What If In Just 8-Seconds Every Day You Can:
- Stop Your Cravings & Reduce Your Hunger To Lose Up To 2 Pounds Per Day,
- No Matter Your Age
- Burn More Fat Than a Three-Mile Run
- Melt Adipose Ten Times Quicker
- Reduce Cellulite & Tighten Loose Arms
Scientists Left Scratching Their Heads
After New Ritual Forces Your Body To
Burn Two-And-A-Half-Times More
Calories Every Day
Women over 50 are buzzing about a brand new “belly trimming” ritual so powerful it melts away up to 15lbs every 15 days…
And a jeans size in less than a week.
What’s the secret?
A combination of rare plant herbs recently discovered just underneath the Earth’s crust…
That forces your body to burn two-and-a-half-times MORE calories every day…
According to groundbreaking new research from the National Library of Medicine and the International Journal of Biomedical Science [5].
If you do the math…
That means you can lose 53 pounds of extra fat without crash dieting or any exercise whatsoever.
No matter if you’re 40 years old or 85 years young…
Automatically putting your body into full fat-burning mode from the moment you wake up…
Until the time your head hits the pillow.
If the calculations are made…
Thus, you can shed 53 pounds of excess fat without resorting to drastic dieting or engaging in any physical activity.
Regardless of your age—40, 85, or whatever—
Your body will begin burning fat automatically as soon as you wake up.
Up until your head touches the cushion.
Peeling away layer after layer of heart-stopping abdominal fat
Without exerting further effort…
Without stepping onto a treadmill or into a gym…
And without ever again embarking on an extreme, crash diet.
regardless of your age or the amount of weight you need to shed.
As in Sherry Singleton’s letter to me, which said…
“I’ve Lost 52 Pounds and 5 Jeans Sizes.
But That’s Not Even the Best Part…
My thighs don’t rub together when I walk anymore…
And now I can walk into whatever store I want and find cute clothes that actually fit me. I haven’t been able to do that since my late 20’s!
It feels incredible!”
-Sherry Singleton, Lost 52lbs
Simply add an 8-second tweak to your morning routine to see your belly fat go.
If you’ve tried everything under the sun…
Intermittent Fasting…
Counting calories…
Counting points…
More cardio…
Fill half your plate with veggies…
Egg whites and oatmeal…
Never eating after 8 pm…
And NONE of it has EVER worked for you…
Then you’re in luck.
Because if you can take 8 seconds in the morning for your health, then this will work for you. It’s that simple.
Even better, it’s so easy to maintain because you can still have all your favorite foods…
Like a piping hot pizza for dinner…
And a big bowl of ice cream for dessert…
And the fat will still melt off.
Here’s the Real Secret
This 8-second “belly trimming” ritual has a built in appetite suppressant…
That helps block your body from storing fat…
While increasing your metabolism to burn two-and-a-half-times as many calories every day…
Thanks to a unique mix of plant herbs that aren’t available in any food or drink on the planet…
You can’t find this in broccoli…
Green smoothies…
A strict vegetarian diet…
Or in any fruit.
This is brand new…
So while your body is storing LESS fat…
It’s also burning TWICE as much off your belly, hips and thighs…
Which is why you can slim down so fast without the worry of rebound weight gain…
Even if nothing else has ever worked before.
And the older you are, the faster it works.
By The Way, My Name is Liz
I have a unique genuine tale to tell about how I intervened to save my infant son’s life.
also shed 110 pounds…
Transitioning from THIS to THIS…
After my husband left me because he said I was too fat.
So if you’re wondering if this works for “regular” people who have a super slow metabolism…
Whose bodies were forever changed by having children…
And who hate to diet and exercise…
The answer is a resounding YES.
And when I started sharing my secret with my friends and their parents in my community…
Something crazy happened…
Christina Long Lost 74lbs & Bought
Her First Bikini At Age 60
Prior to now, I weighed myself each morning.
I never lost weight, regardless of how rigorous my diet was or how much time I spent on the elliptical.
I was so heavy that it reached to the point where my scale gave out.
After watching Liz’s lecture, I at last understood why my body had been holding onto my excess weight for so long.
At last, I felt some hope.
After losing 74 pounds, I feel like a whole new person!
I’m quite happy I tried it.
I genuinely look forward to getting on the scale every morning now!
I understand that you may be skeptical at the moment, and I don’t blame you.
Because if I hadn’t personally witnessed what it did to my body and my belly, I would be too.
I believed my body was ruined after three pregnancies, reaching a weight of 290 pounds, and years of yo-yo dieting.
My metabolism was always incredibly slow, thus I was never able to shed any weight.
Up until I happened upon this “trim tea” custom along the Indian Ocean coast…
when everyone is healthy, slender, and thin…
From their 30s to their 90s and beyond…
And when I witnessed how fast it changed my body and my stomach, as well as the lives of some of my closest friends and relatives who had always been overweight, well.
This Has Nothing To Do With
Starving Yourself…
- Cutting carbs…
- Skipping meals…
And you don’t even have to do any exercise if you don’t want to…
- There’s no counting points…
- There’s no counting calories…
- And there’s no complicated rules to follow whatsoever.
To do this, simply follow this easy morning routine.
Prior to having breakfast…
Thus, in addition to burning belly fat for energy, your body begins to burn calories more quickly.
My abdominal fat began
to burn off in less than a day.
After having three kids and weighing close to 290 pounds… even though my husband left me, and I was severely depressed.
So if I can lose over 100 pounds and flatten my stomach at the same time after everything my body has been through…
Then there’s no reason you can’t do it too.
Because I’m nothing special…
I just stumbled upon something that worked, and stuck with it…
Because my belly was flattening out so fast, people asked if I had gotten lipo, or a tummy tuck, because they couldn’t believe all my flab and fat could just disappear like that.
But once you discover the science behind why this trim tea works so well…
Then it’s only a matter of time before your friends start asking you what YOUR secret it.
It Doesn’t Matter If You Have
15 Pounds to Lose Or 115
If you’re 40 years old or 90 years young…
If you have horrible genetics and a super slow metabolism…
Or if you’ve never lost a single pound in your entire life…
None of that matters because I can guarantee…
Whatever you tried in the past did NOT include the breakthrough that you’re going to discover here today.
Rita Lost 41 Pounds, 7 Inches Off Her Waist &
Has a Clean Bill of Health At 58
“My family has a history of high cholesterol and heart problems.
And my doctor made it crystal clear…if I didn’t make any changes, I’d be next.
I’d get exhausted walking up the stairs to tuck in my grandkids when they’d stay over for the weekend.
Then I heard Liz’s story. I figured if she could do it, then why couldn’t I?
For the first time, I have a clean bill of health after losing 41 pounds and 7 inches off my waist.
But the best part is the extra energy I have every day.
Just being more active with my grandkids feels amazing! I feel like I have my life back.”
I’m going to walk you through exactly how to start cutting 10, 20, even 30 pounds of unprocessed fat from the comfort of your own home.
The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and some of the “higher ups” noticed the results I was posting on social media…
So they’re doing everything they can to shut this website down…
Because if you realize how easy and simple it actually is to burn fat and lose weight…
Without their prescription medications…
Expensive gym memberships…
And bogus detoxes and cleanses…
They stand to lose BILLIONS of dollars…
So please, don’t close out of this page…
Because I can’t guarantee it’ll still be here tomorrow.
Like I Said Before, My Name Is Liz
I’m not a nutritionist.
I’m not a medical professional.
I’m not a personal trainer, either.
I’m just a Missouri single mother from St. Louis whose spouse abandoned her.
And because of my weight, I came dangerously close to losing two of my babies during labor.
My husband walked out on me because I gained over 80 pounds during our marriage…
That was one of the hardest moments of my life…
My self-esteem was shattered.
The only man I ever loved slammed the door right in my face…
I felt paralyzed, like I couldn’t go on…
And there I was, with two baby boys and a baby girl….
My life in shambles, crying myself to sleep every single night for months…
Not Knowing If Things Were
Ever Going To Change
And so, with my back up against the wall, I made a vow to myself and my three kids…
Right then and there to get rid of all the extra weight…
I wanted my ex to eat his heart out the next time he saw me…
Not just to prove him wrong and make him jealous…
I wanted to do it for me…
Because my kids deserve a mom who is active, can get down on the ground and play with them…
Someone who’s going to be there for the long haul…
I just couldn’t be one of those mom’s who sat on the sidelines…
While their kid’s lives passed them by.
The only problem was…
I Had No Idea What To Do
I know that sounds silly, because if you want to lose weight you should just eat more salads and protein, while cutting out all the junk, right?
Well, that’s exactly what I had been doing for the past 10 years…
You name a diet out there, I tried it…
- I was consuming complete meals.
- In the morning, I was fasting.
- I was taking lengthy walks.
- I quit eating fast food.
- I pushed the stroller as I ran.
- Absence of liquid calories…
- I rarely ate out and made the majority of my meals at home.
- I even stopped having wine on the weekends.
However, as those initial few pounds dropped…
My body stagnated, I became stuck, and my weight plateaued.
This happened every single time, just like clockwork.
I Know Most Women Blame Their
Bodies After Having Kids
I know most women blame their bodies after having kids, because losing weight can seem virtually impossible once you become a mom….
But for me, losing weight has been impossible my entire life.
When I was a teenager three of my friends and I were hanging out at the mall when it was time to eat…
We went to our favorite place, but there was an hour-long wait.
When we finally got inside the hostess walked us to our booth, and as I went to sit down I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to fit.
I literally could not fit in the booth…
Completely humiliated, I told my friends to stay and eat while I rushed out the door with tears pouring down my face.
I still think about it all the time, because it was so humiliating…
That’s Just One Of My Numerous Horrifying Personal Stories.
Because you don’t really fit into the environment around you when you’re overweight as a child.
Everything seems to be trying to remind you that you are greater than everyone else.
Thus, remember this if you’ve ever experienced feelings of insecurity, self-consciousness, or just plain frustration with your body or weight:
You’re not alone.
There’s thousands of us just like you going through the same struggles, the same embarrassment, and the same emotional pain.
But as things kept getting worse and worse a sliver of hope peaked through the dark clouds…
And this simple “trim tea” ritual practically fell into my lap at the moment I was least expecting it.
I Had Just Gotten My Kids
Down For The Night
Getting three kids in bed at the same time is so exhausting…
I felt like I had just run 5 miles.
And so, I went over to the couch to veg out, since this was my only true “mommy time” where no one needed anything from me.
As I was scrolling through social media on my phone, one of my friends who is a fitness coach shared an article from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
It was about how every person has their own personal “set point” when it comes to their weight [1]…
We each have a genetically programmed weight that our body wants to be at…
Based on your gender, DNA, genetics, hormones, and other psychological elements…
Much like your hair, height and eye color, you don’t have any control over this.
That’s why some people are naturally heavy, while others are more petite or thin.
And your body will fight to stay within 10-20 pounds of your “set point” no matter what.
Some people have a set point of 120 pounds, like your skinny friend who eats whatever she wants and never gains a pound.
For others, it’s 185 pounds, or 215 pounds…
There’s not much you can do about it.
Just think…
How Many Times Have You
Hit a Frustrating Plateau?
In the beginning, you lose those first 5-10 pounds pretty easily and you can’t help but get excited…
Then your weight completely stalls…
This sudden halt in weight loss is because your body is fighting to maintain it’s “set point” for survival…
That’s why you naturally become hungrier and your metabolism slows down as you begin to lose weight.
This is your body fighting to return to its “normal” weight…
Because that’s where it wants to be.
Unlike you, your body doesn’t want to get rid of an extra 15-30 pounds as quickly as possible…
And so it fights back to hang on to your fat, just in case of emergency.
Now, I don’t want to bore you with all the science behind this, but…
To maintain your body’s “set point” weight your brain constantly monitors how much food you’re eating…
And responds by releasing hormones that either increase or decrease hunger levels [2]…
If you’ve ever been on a diet your body is likely releasing hormones that increase hunger, which is why diets are so hard to stick to…
Because your body senses that you’re losing weight and it ramps up your hunger hormones until you cave in and start eating more…
So your weight returns to its “set point”.
I Sat There Looking At My
Phone Absolutely Stunned
I felt like they were talking directly to me…
Because this is what happened every single time I went on a diet…
I would lose some weight in the beginning, get super excited and finally think that I had everything figured out…
And then a week or two in, my weight would stall…
I’d diet even harder, start exercising more, and my body would fight back by making me MORE hungry…
As my metabolism slowed down and my weight hit a standstill…
I always thought I was doing something wrong… But it turns out…
My body just wanted to get back to it’s “set point”, which for me was WAY more than I wanted to weigh.
I felt cursed because my “set point” was so high…
I couldn’t get below 275 pounds for the life of me.
After Being So Embarrassed…
When I couldn’t fit in the booth at the restaurant with my friends…
I couldn’t just accept that I’d be stuck at this weight for the rest of my life…
And I kept thinking, if everyone has their own “set point,” then why is it so easy to gain weight, yet so hard to lose it?
As I kept pouring through the research, it turns out that as a survival mechanism…
The body fights much harder to prevent
weight loss than weight gain [2]…
This is known within the scientific community as “asymmetric biological control” [3]…
Basically, the body easily converts extra calories into fat, regardless of changes in calorie intake [3]…
So if your body is converting all your extra calories into fat and then you cut way back on calories to try and lose weight, your body is going to fight like crazy to hang onto that fat, even if you’re only eating 500 calories a day.
Before long, you’re super hungry all the time…
You finally give in and start eating more, which only creates more fat that goes straight to your belly, hips and thighs.
It’s a vicious and frustrating cycle
Which is why so many people quit, give up, and just accept the fact that they’re destined to be overweight for their entire life.
I have to admit…
After reading all of this for myself…
I started feeling even more hopeless…
If we all have a specific “set point” that our body wants to be at and we’re basically stuck there for the rest of our lives, then what’s the point of even trying anymore?
It’s just too hard, especially if you’re super busy and have kids and a career.
A few weeks later…
I went to my doctor for a post-pregnancy check up.
After weighing in at 292 pounds he was really concerned, and he started asking me all these questions about why I wasn’t trying harder to lose weight.
I told him about all the diets I had been on over the past few years…
How I was eating more whole foods…
And I cut out all the junk…
Yet my weight barely budged…
Then, as the tears started rolling down my face, I broke down…
I told him about all the research I was doing and how none of this really matters…
Because my body is stuck at this “set point” for the rest of my life.
And I was sick and tired of struggling…
So I just stopped trying.
He just sat there and gave me this little smirk…
“What???”, I hissed…annoyingly between the tears…
He said that while your body does have a natural “set point” when it comes to your weight…
It’s NOT Permanent.
It’s like how some people have blonde hair as a kid and over time it turns brown as an adult.
Or someone who has green eyes as a teenager, only to realize they’re now hazel in their early 30’s…
Things can change over time…
And when it comes to your “set point” you just have to know what to do.
And since it has nothing to do with
- Cutting calories…
- Counting carbs…
- Skipping meals…
- Doing tons of cardio…
- Or starving yourself…
Most people are doing everything WRONG when it comes to losing weight and changing their set point.
They’re fighting an uphill battle….
Going for a 5 mile run does nothing to change your set point…
Neither does skipping breakfast or cutting out red meat and becoming a vegetarian.
That’s like trying to dig a hole with a hammer…
Your intentions are good, but you’re using the wrong tool.
The good news is…
All you have to do is lower your “set point” and the extra weight will start coming off…
Usually within the first 24 hours.
All you have to do is focus on this ONE thing…that’s it.
Most people are so stressed out trying to figure out what diet they should follow…
What type of exercise they should do…
If they should go low carb or plant based…
If they need to skip meals…
How many days a week they should do cardio…
They’re worried about all these different things…
That burn you out…
When the truth is, you can forget about ALL of that…
You can stop worrying…
Because all you have to do is adjust your “set point”, which you can do in less than 10 seconds a day…
So your body naturally starts burning fat again and everything else will take care of itself.
Your belly fat will start melting off…
- Your jeans will start feeling looser around the waist and thighs…
- Your cellulite will start to fade away…
- Your face will look thinner and much younger…
- You’ll have more energy…
- You’ll be happier with a new outlook on life…
Younger people will start coming up to you and make small talk after checking you out…
Because you caught their eye walking through the grocery store…
Or while you’re out shopping for new, sexier clothes with your friends.
You’ll start getting people’s attention wherever you go as your waistline shrinks…
And your body thins out to the exact weight YOU want to be at.
Your visceral fat will begin to disappear.
- You’ll notice that your jeans become looser around the thighs and waist area.
- Your cellulite will begin to disappear.
- Your face will appear younger and thinner.
- You’ll be more invigorated.
You’ll be content with a fresh perspective on life.
After glancing at you, younger folks will start approaching you and striking up a conversation.
when they noticed you as you were browsing the grocery store…
or when you and your pals go shopping for new, stylish clothing.
As you lose weight, people will start noticing you everywhere you go.
And you achieve the precise weight you desire when your body thins out.
The amount of weight you lose after lowering your “set point” is up to YOU.
I understand that may sound too good to be true.
And until I seen it with my own eyes, I had the exact same thought.
As I was about to leave the doctor’s office, you see…
He handed me a little slip of paper with something written on it.
“Purple tea???”Shocked, I said.
“Yes,” he answered.
“Purple tea—have you ever heard of it?”
I had been a tea drinker for many years.
Verdant tea
ebony tea
However, I was unfamiliar with purple tea.
“It’s new,” he remarked.
“Trim Tea is how I like to refer to it because every single one of my patients who has tried it has…”
Has gotten leaner and thinner incredibly fast”
It’s like lipo without the painful surgery and expensive medical costs.
And the reason it works…
Comes down to an unusual mix of herbs that are found just beneath the Earth’s crust…
Off the Nandi Hills of Southwest Africa.
This rare mix of herbs isn’t found in any other tea, food or drink…
And they work with your metabolism in a way that you end up burning two-and-a-half-times as many calories every day.
I don’t care if you’re 40 years old or 85…
If You’re Burning Two-and-a-Half-Times As Many Calories As You Normally Do, You’re Going To Lose A LOT of Weight
And since this unique mix of plant herbs helps block new fat from being stored on your body…
You’re going to easily keep the weight off for good.
While your waist slims down, your thighs thin out, and you look younger than you ever have before…
Both are rare plant compounds that are responsible for speeding up your fat-burning metabolism, which results in speedy calorie burn.
And we all know that the more calories you burn, and the faster you do it, the more weight you will lose.
In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one group of people consumed 690 milligrams of catechins daily, while the “control” group consumed just 22 milligrams per day…
Bodyweight, BMI, waist size, body fat mass and subcutaneous fat were all significantly lower in the group that received 690 mg of catechins daily compared to the control group.[7]
Basically, that means the people who received high levels of catechins on a daily basis…
- Lost more weight…
- Burned more belly fat…
- Had their waist size dramatically shrink…
- And melted away more subcutaneous fat, which is the “jiggly fat” around your belly, hips and thighs.
Another covert weapon that is exclusive to this particular variety of “Trim Tea” is a unique sort of polyphenol known as GHG [4].
GHG increases lean body mass while assisting in the “thickness” reduction of fat tissue.
Basically, it makes you thinner and leaner at the same time by assisting your body in burning more fat.
That’s because GHG increases an enzyme known as lipase.
This is really important because the main job of lipase is to break down fat in the body [4].
It also helps improve the metabolism of liver fat.
This is key because your liver is your #1 fat-burning organ…
And when it can “burn up” fat at a faster rate…
You not only lose weight faster…
You also burn up more pure, raw fat.
So instead of losing a few pounds of water weight…
Like you do on most diets…
You’re losing pure fat from your belly, waist, thighs and hips.
So many people are trying so hard, exercising like crazy…
And the weight just isn’t coming off…
Because their “lipase switch” is always turned OFF.
Yet all you have to do is flip it back “ON“…
And your body will rapidly start burning fat again…
It’s like trying to use a brand new cell phone without turning it on first… It just doesn’t work.
However, when you turn this enzyme on first thing in the morning with a little bit of purple tea…
You can double or even triple the
amount of fat you burn during the day.
Anthocyanin is the next type of antioxidant.
Anthocyanin is a potent antioxidant that gives the tea it’s purple color.
And according to a new study from Japan, it has a “significant potency” against fat cells and can be used for the prevention of weight gain [8].
In a 12 week study, those that consumed anthocyanins had significantly lower body weight [8]…
And according to Takanori Tsuda, one of the lead researchers from Chubu University in Aichi, Japan…
“The dietary anthocyanins clearly suppressed the increase in tissue weight deposits and has a significant potency for anti-obesity”.
This implies that the test subjects’ ability to acquire weight was essentially prevented by the anthocyanins.
Helped them burn more fat, and could be vital in the fight against obesity around the world.
Anthocyanins also helped increase energy expenditure in the body among the test subjects…
So they burned more calories daily than those who didn’t get the antioxidant…
Which is critical…
Because just think about how much easier losing weight would be if your body simply burned more calories on it’s own.
And in another groundbreaking study…
A group of women and men were asked to consume purple tea for research.
After 4 weeks participants had a significantly lower body weight, BMI, less abdominal fat, and a significantly smaller waist size.
Basically, everyone who drank the
“Trim Tea” lost way more weight…
a lot more belly fat, and their waists shrunk, even though they weren’t exercising or on some crazy calorie-controlled diet.
And in a study published by the
U.S. National Library of Medicine…
With help from the National Institutes of Health…
They found that trim tea “significantly suppressed:
- Body weight gain…
- Liver weight…
- Abdominal fat…
- And triglycerides.
Which is a technical way of saying that purple tea extract helped people lose weight and burn belly fat, while also improving the function of your liver, which is really important…
Because your liver is the main organ responsible for burning fat in the body.
Study after study was showing how effective Trim Tea was…
At burning off belly fat and increasing weight loss, without having to do anything crazy…
Like exercising all day long or eating tons of salad.
Now, here’s where purple tea is even more powerful…
You see, your fat cells are filled with toxins…
And so, when your body starts burning fat…
All these nasty toxins go straight into your bloodstream, which means they either go right back into other fat cells or they take over other parts of your body.
And make you feel sick, fatigued and exhausted.
However, the anthocyanins in purple tea not only help speed up weight loss…
They also protect the body because of their high antioxidant profile [6]…
By flushing out these nasty toxins that naturally get released when your body starts burning fat again on a regular basis.
I have to admit…
Going through study after study had my head spinning, and I still felt a little unsure…
But I couldn’t deny the facts that were laid out right in front of me…
When you combine all these fat-burning benefits of “Trim Tea”…
It helps reverse the “biochemical patterns” that have slowed down your metabolism…
So you can quickly break through your “set point,” and lose 15, 30, even 50 or more pounds…
Without the struggle, without the frustration, and without the intense hunger and cravings that have ruined every single diet you’ve ever been on.
Since this new type of tea is so new and so rare, no one is using it, except for the locals on the Nandi Hills of Kenya…
Heck, even America’s best doctors and weight loss “experts” don’t know about the amazing, life changing power of “trim tea”, which is probably why you’ve never heard of it before.
You can’t find it in a grocery store…
And the ones that are available online are just cheap knock offs…
Filled with artificial chemicals, fake sweeteners, and other fillers…
Just as I was about to leave the doctor’s office…
I was both excited and extremely frustrated…
I was excited because I had a tiny
sliver of hope that I could finally
get rid of my belly fat:
- Without needing to undergo a costly procedure…
- Without having to spend the rest of my life on some horrible diet…
- Additionally, I didn’t have to push myself to work out for an hour or two each day.
I tried all that before and it never works and isn’t sustainable…
But I was also frustrated, because I couldn’t just buy a plane ticket and fly out to Kenya…
So how in the world was I supposed to get my hands on this purple tea?
What my doctor did next left me stunned…
As I was getting ready to leave…
He pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk and handed me this tiny little plastic bag…
Doctor: “Remember the former patient from Kenya I was talking about?
He gave me an entire box of their homemade tea…
To get my professional opinion, and to try it out for myself.
I want you to have some, to see if it’ll work for you.”
I put the little baggy in my purse and headed home…
That night, after I finally got my kids to bed…
I put a teaspoon of the purple tea leaves in my teapot, filled it with water, and brought it to a boil.
I allowed it to steep for a full five minutes to absorb all the nutrients because I didn’t want to mess it up.
And to be honest, I was shocked when I took my first sip.
It was peaceful and lovely.
It tasted much better than I had anticipated, although
I didn’t really feel anything happen at first…
And so I enjoyed the rest of the cup and then headed off to bed.
The next morning…
It is extremely rare for me to wake up an hour before my children.
My stomach didn’t feel as heavy as it had when I was getting out of bed…
I was shocked to see that I had lost 1.5 pounds when I walked on the scale.
I gained eighty pounds in the last year, which may not seem like much to you.
Thus, for me, losing anything was a miracle.
But I restrained myself from becoming overly thrilled.
Most likely it was merely an anomaly, and it might have been the result of water weight.
I dismissed it and carried on with my day.
And as the weeks went by I couldn’t believe what happened…
8 pounds…
11 pounds…
19 pounds…
The fat was just melting off me…
All of a sudden, my weight was lower than it was in my early 20s.
Above all, though, was that I could now play with my children on the floor.
I was playing with them and chasing them around the backyard, finally modeling a healthy lifestyle that I so badly wanted to impart to them.
Most people just believe that as you age, you will inevitably acquire weight and get heavier.
However, it need not be accurate.
Simply by adhering to this strange “Trim Tea” habit every day…
My energy was so high.
My self-assurance reached a new height.
I was no longer hiding in my house out of fear of being judged by anyone outside of it.
I was like a brand new person who loved myself and my body…
Without caring what anyone else thought…
I bought a bunch of new bikinis…
New sun dresses…
Tighter jeans…
And sexy tops…
It was like this whole new world opened up to me…
But the real test came when I ran into my ex-husband at the grocery store…
He was there with some woman and when he saw me out of the corner of his eye…
His jaw dropped.
He walked over and practically tripped over his own drooling tongue…
“Oh my God, Liz…is that you???” he gasped…
“You look incredible…
What happened??”
I talked to him for a few minutes, but I was so grossed out…
Because here he was trying to win me back right in front of his new girlfriend…
And after he walked out on me and our kids, I was done with him forever.
I was finally dating the men I wanted to date instead of settling for someone “good enough” and I couldn’t be happier…
My prayers had finally been answered…
But there was only one issue…
The “Trim Tea” my doctor prescribed me ran out quickly.
It’s not as though I could simply open the Nandi Hillssupermarket app on my phone and purchase additional items.
That isn’t how it operates.
Unless you wish to squander cash on inexpensive scams.
I so began to panic even though my weight was decreasing more quickly than before.
since I was clueless about how I would obtain additional cut tea.
But now that I feel more confident…
There had to be a way, I knew that.
I was just not going to give up.
Because I was aware of this trim tea’s potency and how totally it changed my life…
I then contacted my physician, who connected me with a previous Nandi Hills patient.
He was an hour distant from here.
And for the following three months, we worked nonstop to devise a strategy for bringing his miracle trim tea to America without going over budget.
We also contacted his family in Nandi Hills, as well as manufacturers, suppliers, and supply chain specialists.
After experiencing personally the potency of this new trim tea…
I had to give it to as many individuals as I could who were similar to me.
They always struggle with their weight and put forth a lot of effort yet get very little in return.
Especially after having children, this is the one thing that has ever worked for me, so I wasn’t going to give up easily.
At last, following months of 20-hour work weeks…
During dealing with three separate manufacturers and more problems than you can imagine..
Since our goal had never been accomplished before…
Because what we were trying to do had never been done before…
We created an easy-to-swallow capsule that anyone can use in a matter of seconds each day by taking the pure plant extracts that the people of Nandi Hills utilized to stay youthful and slender.
The first test batch was delivered to my residence a few weeks later.
I still hoped to shed about thirty pounds, but I had hit a roadblock ever since my doctor ran out of trim tea.
I tore open the package, took two capsules and drank a large glass of water, and then I resumed playing with my children.
I didn’t even think about it during the day since I was too busy trying to keep up with them.
Until I woke up the next morning, stepped on the scale like I always do, and was down half a pound.
After being stalled for 6 weeks I was jumping up and down like it was my wedding day…
I got right back into my routine of having some “purple tea” first thing in the morning, and again before bed…
Day after day, I felt lighter…
My belly was getting even flatter…
The next time I stepped on the scale, I was down 6 pounds…
And I lost another 12 pounds shortly after that…
In the end, I lost another 33 pounds…
My stomach was flatter than ever…
My thighs didn’t rub against each other anymore when I walked…
My nagging aches and pains were basically gone…
And you would NEVER guess that three kids came out of this body just a few years earlier…
It’s like I stumbled upon the secret to
rapidly burning fat that no one else
had ever tried before…
Remember, most of us are locked-in to our weight “set point”…
And whether that’s weighing 130 pounds, 170 pounds, or 250 pounds…
Getting too far down from that number is such a huge struggle…
Your body fights against it…
It WANTS to hang onto your fat in case of emergency, but when you finally give your body a new dose of nutrients that it’s never gotten before, your “set point” starts to go down…
Like dropping a brick off the top of a skyscraper…
Your weight starts going down so fast you almost can’t believe it’s actually happening…
But the number on the scale keeps going down, reminding you that this IS real.
It’s like taking a pair of jumper cables and SHOCKING your metabolism into high gear…
And the best part is…
- It doesn’t matter how old you are…
- It doesn’t matter how much weight you have to lose…
- It doesn’t matter if you have a super slow metabolism…
- It doesn’t matter what your current physical condition is…
- And it doesn’t matter if you have horrible genetics.
Since I was losing weight like crazy, all my friends started asking what I was doing…
After all, since I was so busy, most of them hadn’t seen me in months, and they barely recognized me…
They thought I had joined a gym or hired a personal trainer to whip me into shape…
Yet all I was doing was my
“Trim Tea” ritual twice a day…
While trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet…
So I started handing out samples from my test batch…
And it was funny, because all my girlfriends were hounding me with questions…
“Do I need to change my diet?
Can I still go out to eat at restaurants?
What about happy hour?
Do I have to start working out?”
It’s like they were stuck in the “diet culture” that’s been fed to us for years…