7 Days to Drink Less

7 Days to Drink Less

Questions Related to 7 Days to drink less

1.What happens if we give up alcoholic beverages?
➨ There are various beneficial changes that occur in a person’s body and general health after they stop drinking. The most noticeable symptoms appear first and last for hours or days:The body starts to mend itself physically. Because the liver no longer needs to metabolize alcohol, fat storage and inflammation are reduced, improving liver function. Over time, this lowers the likelihood of liver conditions like cirrhosis and fatty liver. Normalizing blood pressure levels lowers the risk of cardiovascular issues like heart disease and stroke.Due to the high calorie content of alcohol and the potential reduction in calorie consumption, weight loss is another frequent outcome.

2.Is it possible to stay away from alcohol?
➨ There are various approaches to abstaining from alcohol:
❍ Define Your Boundaries
❍ Steer clear of triggers
❍ Look for substitutes
❍ Create a Network of Support
❍ Learn for Yourself
❍ Exercise Self-Soothing
You may create a happy, meaningful lifestyle that promotes your general well-being by implementing these techniques into your day-to-day activities and being dedicated to your objective of abstaining from alcohol.

3.Alcohol’s drawbacks?
➨Drinking alcohol can have detrimental effects on many areas of life and serious drawbacks. Physically, binge drinking can cause major health problems like cirrhosis and fatty liver, heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, and an increased risk of lung, throat, mouth, and breast cancer, among other cardiovascular diseases. It impairs immunity, increasing the body’s vulnerability to diseases and infections.
Alcohol misuse is associated with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and others on an emotional and mental level. It affects memory, focus, and judgment, impairing cognitive function and increasing the likelihood of making bad decisions and engaging in risky conduct.

For Alcohol Lovers


Who Would Like To


Consume Less…

 There is a straightforward 7-day method that has been shown to be effective.

(No matter how long you’ve been drinking)

And what’s finest about it all?



In the comfort and seclusion of your own home, you may finish this easy 7-day solution.

Consider it unattainable?


I would like to talk to you about a few things.

If you have the slightest suspicion that it’s time to cut back on your drinking…

Because you know in your heart that it would be wise to do…

And perhaps it’s been a while since you had a sober day…

And by a long period, I mean…

Many drinkers experience this over months or even years…

And it concerns you since your best intentions to “not” drink evaporate at the crack of “wine o’clock” or “beer o’clock”…

And you feel resentful of yourself for failing yourself…

I promise you that you are not alone at all!

However, if you’re serious about taking charge of your

drinking, this 7-day plan will completely

transform your habits.


And it takes just 25 minutes per day…

However, prior to disclosing the 7-day fix…

It has been demonstrated to change your bad drinking habits…

I should give a little introduction.

With over 26 years of expertise, I am a globally recognized expert in Alcohol Reduction, and my name is Georgia Foster.

In reality, I have used my PROVEN approach to help 108,996 people (and counting) drastically cut back on their alcohol use or even give up entirely in just 7 days.

I’ll show you how to change your relationship with booze from a fast-paced, daily event to something much more meaningful

if you just give me

25 minutes a day for 7 days.

A soothing, leisurely, and enjoyable habit…
One that doesn’t leave you with a “guilt

hangover” for breaking your own

self-imposed resolution.

I’m talking about cutting your alcohol

intake in half without even

realizing it!

Without needing to rearrange your entire social circle…

Without securing your cabinet till the end of the week…

Without staying away from social gatherings only to abstain from alcohol…

Without having to swap out the habit with something you initially didn’t particularly want to do…
Most significantly, too, without willpower.

Additionally, I have demonstrated that it has helped over 108,966 people worldwide take control of their drinking…

While continuing to enjoy booze.

Here are the words of contented customers:

I used to drink one bottle of wine every night, Monday through Friday. I didn’t go out with friends on the weekends, which would have involved many more! I’m down to one or two drinks a night after four weeks. In contrast to many of the other programs I’ve tried, where sobriety is the ultimate aim, moderation is feasible and doable!

Sam, Melbourne, Australia

I have never before used hypnosis. I was initially dubious. It’s functioning, even though I didn’t believe it would. It’s assisted me in reducing my alcohol intake. When I went out to dinner with my friend two nights ago, it was the first time I’d ordered water at the bar instead of alcohol since I couldn’t remember. My friend was taken aback!

Jo Hellings, Sydney, Australia

I was drinking a lot of alcohol when my mother died. I couldn’t even function. I was always hung over. Simply put, I was too ill to make it to work. After doing some research, I came into the Drink Less in 7 Days online course. To help you drink less, they hypnotize you. I adore it. It was really beneficial to me. You must give it a try. For seven days, you complete a course every day. During that time, you can utilize the app again if you have a hankering for alcohol.

Rachel, Salt Lake City

Georgia Foster’s extremely original method proved to be very beneficial, in my opinion. It’s really easy to download on your phone, and every day there are new courses that provide hypnosis talks, coping mechanisms, and other suggestions to help individuals combat this in the comfort of their own homes. Drinking less during seven days yields real benefits. If you’re trying to deal with taking control of your excessive alcohol usage, I wholeheartedly endorse this program.

Shelley, San Diego

Saying that the drink-less regimen transformed my life is not hyperbole. I look better, and I feel like I’m in better shape. Just by cutting back on my drinking, I’ve dropped two inches off my waist. Mornings are when I feel most alert. I’ve always had a lot of energy, but right now it’s even greater.

John Clare, London, UK

Hey! I still love a beer but instead of drinking 10 to 12 beers a night I might have 2 to 4 & sometimes none.

Peter, Sydney, Australia

Drinkers typically become concerned about their health around

the age of 45 and up, at which point they feel more

established and mature, much like my



I refer to the men and women who have earned their stripes in life and who regularly consume alcohol.

After putting in a lot of work, raising families, facing financial hardships, navigating significant ups and downs, they now wish to enjoy life a little more.

However, this is also the moment when the effects of years of regular drinking may become apparent, manifesting as abnormal fatigue, fuzzy thinking, and additional weight around the waist!

Get rid of the extra alcohol belly…

Additionally, cut back on your drinking without giving it any thought.

In a moment, I’ll explain how, but first, you should probably understand how I got here.

I wasn’t the best student when I was growing up in Melbourne, Australia, in the 1970s.

I was eager to get out of school.

My mother told me that if I could type, I could find employment anywhere in the world.

I followed her advise and attended secretarial college after dropping out of school early.

I soon developed a reputation for being the college’s fastest drinker as well as typist!

I used to drink to get liked and loved because I had severe social anxiety because I didn’t think I was clever, attractive, or good enough.

I went to see Mary, a psychic, one day just for fun, and she told me she could see me as a teacher.

I told her, laughing, that I could never become a teacher.

Mary, on the other hand, told me that she almost never made a mistake and that I would become a life skills teacher for adults.

I went out, taking her words with a grain of salt.

Then, while I was visiting my parents one day, I discovered a book on their coffee table that was based on a recently developed psychological technique.

I thought every page I turned was meant only for me. I had the impression that the writers were inside of me. I read something that seemed like it was about me!

At that precise moment, something clicked in my mind, motivating me to study with the book’s authors.

12 months later, I was in Northern California, training with other professionals in a brand-new, cutting-edge therapeutic approach.

The epiphany regarding why I was drinking too much and ruining my life was one of the finest gifts!

However, it didn’t end there.

Following my qualification, I moved to London, UK, where I was able to work as a personal assistant for one of the largest investment banks in Europe because to my proficiency with typing.

I saw an advertisement in the newspaper to become a clinical hypnotherapist during my lunch break. I choose to fully commit.

After earning my clinical hypnosis diploma eighteen months later, I got a call from the college’s owner encouraging me to start teaching there.

I felt that this was a little “beyond” my talents, but he informed me that I was promoted to senior lecturer status after other lecturers saw me among the crowd of students.

I soon bid farewell

to my banking office life!

Naturally, my “knack” at encouraging others to cut back on their drinking helped my practice expand…

The added benefit was that I had already begun to treat a few of my supervisors and coworkers.

The banking clients continued to come from Citibank, Deutsche Bank, and Goldman Sachs, to mention a few.

I’m not sure if you work in finance or know of any men and women that do…

However, they party harder and work harder.

Numerous of the referred people I

saw had low self-esteem, stress, worry, insomnia,

and alcoholism as an

emotional crutch

Whether they were aware of it or not, that is what they were doing.

Furthermore, even though they weren’t “clinically alcoholics,” their habits were causing them to have other SERIOUS issues…

These people’s problems with alcohol were severe… Despite the fact that they weren’tdrinkers!

Issues such as: 

✔️Impaired recall and inattention

✔️Elevated markers in the liver and blood

✔️Failing to be there for their partner or children

✔️Lashing out at others

Some even suffered from actions that were worse. Things that might seriously harm their lives or put their careers in danger…

I must emphasize that these individuals were not drinkers.

These were regular men and women, just like you and me, who were responsible, hardworking, and completely capable individuals who just so happened to use alcohol as a coping mechanism.

And nine times out of ten, these clients wanted to find a solution to cut back on alcohol use without giving it up.

They were afraid of being the “that guy” or left out…

They didn’t have to give up.

They didn’t require a costly rescue.

They also didn’t require treatment.

All they wanted was something that suited them. in their own time. Furthermore, they didn’t feel like they were “missing out” on social occasions as a result.

As time passed, I became aware of an odd pattern…

Even though clients thought their circumstances were special and unique, I found that they typically only fit into ONE of THREE drinking categories:

First, the “Perfectionist Drinker”

You have these “high achievers.” They have a strong sense of purpose and are usually quite prosperous.

They frequently refrain from drinking for extended periods of time, BUT…

When they do drink, they do so quickly and vehemently.

Alcohol helps people feel amazing by calming their racing thoughts. for one evening.

However, they experience extreme regret and shame the following day for their actions from the previous evening.

They drink fast, which causes them to become inebriated fast and often forget what happened the night before.

Those who drink “all or nothing” are perfectionists.

They make promises to themselves that they will cut back on their drinking or increase their tolerance, but as the cycle continues, they grow increasingly frustrated with themselves.

The problem with the Perfectionist Type is that they don’t trust themselves when it comes to alcohol, which is why they frequently give up entirely because they can’t seem to reach their middle ground as a drinker.

Helping Perfectionist drinkers identify patterns of “perfecting” excessive drinking or becoming entirely sober is the aim of working with them.

A Perfectionist drinker can learn how to drink slowly and sensibly if they alter their emotional conditioning prior to drinking.

Second is, the “Pleaser Drinker”

The Pleaser Type feels that they MUST answer “yes” in order to be liked, even though they truly desire to drink less.

They can easily get social acceptance by drinking….

Must have a sense of acceptance and figure out how to fit in without drawing attention to oneself.

The idea that they appear uninteresting is their deepest worry.

Pleaser types frequently draw tyrannical or even narcissistic individuals into their lives, which can lead to much more issues than their drinking.

In addition, they frequently accrue debt compared to others who don’t… However, this is usually not due to vanity but rather an attempt to do good in the end.

When the Pleaser Type does drink, the problem is that they are engaging in what I refer to as “drinking to communicate.”

Alcohol’s lowering of inhibitions allows the Pleaser Type to release some of the pent-up energy that results from constantly taking care of and supporting everyone else.

They ask themselves, “When is it MY turn to get taken care of?”

They have a tendency to speak forcefully with other people at these times, which frequently results in conflicts and disappointments…

They suppress their want to say “No” when they know they drink too much, but they do it nonetheless to avoid feeling excluded from social gatherings with friends or partners.

They believe it will aid in their relaxation, but it doesn’t.

And they return again and again for more

The Pleaser Type needs to learn how to have meaningful discussions without drinking in order for them to modify their behavior.

It hurts at first, but soon you gain strength and the talks get less difficult.

Third is the “Inner Critic Drinker”

Inner Critic Types frequently think things like…  

✔️”You should really stop drinking, what’s wrong with you? “

✔️”You should have a drink to loosen up because you’re going to be boring.”

✔️I know you won’t be yourself because that individual thinks you’re stupid. You should have something to relax with. 

Like the Perfectionist Type, they find that it helps them to momentarily silence their critical inner voice when they do have a drink.

Everyone, it seems, harbors an Inner Critic.

The person behind the negative thought is the “boss.”

The Critic drinkers must learn to identify this voice, quiet it, and learn to tune it out if they are to alter their behavior.

“Tuning OUT of “Radio Crazy” and into Classic Fm,” as I like to say,

I need to note here…

Everyone harbors an Inner Critic, and most people also combine traits of a perfectionist and a pleaser.


The secret is to figure out how to use these various drinking philosophies to your advantage and your drink-reduction objectives, not against them!

Next, I proceeded to group these three types. Under a condition I refer to as “ECDS”

(Emotionally Conditioned Drinkers Syndrome)

The fact that ECDS is not a life sentence is wonderful news. It’s an acquired habit.

Additionally, habits can be unlearned.

A true addiction may exist in certain individuals, but for the great majority, that is not the issue.

Not at all.

As my contentious strategy of just cutting back gained traction,

Not everyone was on board with my strategy.

Everything was going great until I received a call one day from the head of one of the banks’ personal departments. She insisted that I immediately come visit her!

She informed me that I lacked the authority to determine whether or not someone was an alcoholic when I arrived at her office trembling.

(Which was ridiculous considering I still hold a license as a hypnotherapist.)

She added that I was “in way over my head” and that I ought to cease supporting these folks since anyone who struggles with alcoholism ought to give up completely.

However, I didn’t give up.

This is because I was aware that the person passing judgment on me was not a drinker at all.

You see, I neglected to mention that her father was an alcoholic.

In reality, she was transferring her childhood hurts and frustrations onto me, taking full responsibility for them.

The fact that ECDS is not a life sentence is wonderful news. It’s an acquired habit.

And my clients usually struggle with this kind of judgment…

The opinions of their relatives and acquaintances… And the worry about being excluded.

This really set me back, so I gently but firmly pointed out that this was one of the most common misconceptions about individuals who binge drink.

“It’s the thinking before the drinking that’s the problem,” was all I said to her.

She ejected me with a stern look.

So I continued in spite of her sarcastic speech.

And I’m glad I did since the anxious, inebriated individuals continued to come in and receive sincere, accurate findings.

✔️Fewer people were drinking.
✔️Self-worth was rising.
✔️They were not having a nightcap before bed.
✔️Some people saw improvements in their bodies.
✔️Appreciating days without alcohol instead than fearing them
✔️Having constructive conversations with loved ones and friends
✔️Having aggressive conversations with coworkers without the need for alcohol
✔️Having a good time with friends and family
✔️Being able to accompany children to sporting events on the weekends without feeling inebriated
✔️Sensation as though they are not required to drink. It is no longer required.
✔️Appreciating their true selves PRIOR to alcohol consumption

What was it that I was doing that was SO unique and successful?

I employ a method known as my “Inner Dialogue.”

It assists you in bringing your conscious and unconscious minds’ aspirations into harmony.

And once you do that, it’s easy to modify, regardless of your drinking personality (Perfectionist, Pleaser, Critic).

With my approach, individuals can deal with their feelings without going back in time or making drastic changes to their lives.

After you’ve done that…

The opposition has vanished.

Rather, tranquility, awareness, and assurance are present.

However, There Was Another Issue…

As word of my special technique grew throughout the UK, Australia, and the US, I was forced to withdraw from the clinic due to utter burnout, stress, and exhaustion.

2020 then arrived. A private session was requested by even more individuals who emailed me from Canada, France, Ireland, and New Zealand.

They were becoming increasingly concerned as they realized their drinking had gotten out of control!

Do not misunderstand; while excessive drinking was a problem for many of these individuals prior to lockdowns, it has now become a greater issue for many!

I kept thinking that people required more time, more assistance, and more attention. And I was just unable to continue offering this with private appointments.

I therefore took some time to consider again how I could provide concerned drinkers with a support system while still achieving excellent outcomes.

Maintaining my motivation to be the one who fulfills this HUGE commitment!

I had an epiphany at that point…

Given that the root cause of every issue my customer faced was actually the same (ECDS)…

I could now assist my clients in developing a healthy Inner Dialogue, so I no longer needed to hypnotize them one-on-one.

Rather than doing face-to-face sessions, I chose to conduct a small experiment.

All I did was send the client a high-quality recording that they could listen to on their phone whenever they wanted…

It might be at their lunch break, right before a social event, right before they go to bed or wake up.

I wasn’t sure at first if it would succeed. This was a significant departure from face-to-face meetings!


If it was successful… The effect would be enormous…

I designed it to only require a few minutes each day—roughly twenty-five—so those with hectic schedules might receive results swiftly and in privacy!

In just 7 days, I wanted it to be something that could ACTUALLY work…

I’m glad to report that the new method I used to present my original strategy was a huge success!

The initial iteration of my private online program, 7 Days to Drink Less, was launched in 2011 and included the exact same hypnotherapy I had previously employed with my elite clientele in my private clinic.

Along with a few extra treats to help them on their travels.

My jaw dropped at what transpired next.

Much to my astonishment…

Simple, handy audio recordings perfectly captured the Inner Dialogue technique I had spent years honing in-person in my private practice.

I honestly don’t remember how many people joined up—it was a good several thousand—because it was so long ago.

What was even more startling were the findings of a poll I conducted among the group members…

An AMAZING 98% of the attempts were successful.

Yes, it’s amazing—98% of individuals cut back on their drinking.

Simply by taking in brief, basic audio recordings.

✔️Without having to pay for several therapy sessions…

✔️Staying inside their home…

✔️Without altering their entire social circle…

✔️Not closing their cabinets for the weekend…

✔️Not by staying away from social gatherings solely to abstain from drinking…

✔️Without needing to switch to a different habit…

Then word of what I was doing leaked to the media.

Since creating the “Inner Dialogue” method, I’ve had the honor of being interviewed frequently on Sky News and the Today Show, as well as being featured in some of the best newspapers in the UK and Australia, including The Times, The Telegraph, and The Daily Mail.

“She has hypnotised billionaires, politicians, actors and high-profile musicians, though she’s far to discreet to name names.”
“The next day, after attending two (intoxicating) dinner parties, I depart sober, having consumed no more than a few glasses of wine without much thinking. I feel more resilient, in part because I’m now conscious of my own triggers.”
“Let’s face it, no one is interested in living in a world without alcohol. However, the key is to control your drinking rather than allowing it control you. It has to do with not turning to alcohol as a way to escape from everyday issues.”

Bridport Health is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with any of these organizations.

My goal now is to inform 1 million concerned

alcohol consumers that they have options, and

it all starts with this page.

I’m here to shield you from the critical world that tells you it’s time to give up!

I genuinely want to assist you get through the maze of self-doubt surrounding your capacity to cut back on alcohol.

And it all begins with one straightforward approach that is easy to follow…

Over 100,000 men and women who ‘know’ it’s time to let go of their guilt about drinking have found success with this strategy.

And begin living a less-drunk, healthier life without sacrificing the enjoyment of alcohol!

I am referring to all of these “drink less” ideas that didn’t work out.

Actually, my strategy can get you to a place where you naturally drink less in the present and the future.

I want you to start achieving and to quit putting such high expectations on yourself!

What I have to ask you is…

What if cutting back on alcohol wasn’t such a huge deal?

I can’t wait to develop a sincere, results-based program to reduce alcohol use and eliminate cravings…  

Get rid of the extra alcohol belly…Additionally, cut back on your drinking without giving it any thought.

What if you could drastically alter your relationship with alcohol in just one hour and observe how you change over the course of seven days?

A consistent heavy drinker…

To a carefree, content person who doesn’t feel like they’re missing out on anything?

I have an idea for a solution that I think you will love…

The 7 Days To Drink Less program has been updated and redesigned for 2023!

To assist everyone, male or female, who desires “real” and long-lasting outcomes without needing to give up or reveal their intentions!

I can’t wait to develop a sincere, results-based program to reduce alcohol use and eliminate cravings…

Each Day I will Cover…


On the 20-minute audio you will hear, you will learn:

✔️Why do we drink too much?

✔️The subconscious mind and its affective patterns
✔️Hypnosis’s ability to effect positive change

The first of the two-and-a-half-hour hypnosis sessions is prepared and just waiting for you to unwind while your mind does its magic.


Introductory audio presentation on the Inner Dialogue hypothesis.

You will learn today why talking to yourself might be counterproductive to your drink-free goals and how to start talking to yourself differently!

 ✔️The Inner Critic

✔️The Intuitive Healthy Confident Part           

✔️​Introducing The Perfectionist

✔️​Introducing ‘The Pleaser

 Include 25 minute 


What we will learn in today’s thirty-minute audio talk is:

✔️Introducing ‘The Inner Child’

✔️Creative, loving, unconditional, rejection, fun, spontaneity

✔️The Inner Child loves alcohol

Setting Realistic Goals for Your Life:

✔️Setting realistic drink less goals

✔️Creating different responses

Includes a 25 minute hypnosis recording.


AFDs-Alcohol Free Days

✔️The significance of having AFDs
✔️How to prepare yourself so that you can easily experience AFD

Comes with a 25-minute hypnosis tape.


Extended version The Inner Dialogue Theory

✔️Identifying Your Inner Critic and How It Sabotages Your Drinking Habits
✔️Common blunders
✔️The Inner Critic is opposed to change.

Liver Health:

✔️It’s not just alcohol that can harm your liver!
✔️The only organ in your body that has self-renewal is your liver.
✔️Perks of liver cleaning

Comes with a 25-minute hypnosis tape. 

Additionally, there is a 5-minute hypno-blast version that is perfect for those moments when you need to quickly become sober while out and about.


The Future

✔️My Amazing Mind-Bound Method
✔️I’m going to demonstrate to you what this amazing hypnosis technique can accomplish for my well-known performing, sports, and executive clientele! 

Includes a 25-minute trip into your future while under hypnosis.


How to maintain your sober mindset: 

✔️The Domino This program’s impact on other aspects of your life
✔️Taking a retrospective look at your accomplishments
✔️How to adopt better practices going forward
✔️The path is only upward!

Additionally, you will receive brand-new hypnosis recordings every day:

1 x 25 minute self-

hypnosis recording

1 Hour subliminal recording

Assessed at a reasonable $273


I must emphasize that this is not magic, nor is hypnosis a hocus pocus alternative therapy… It’s scientific!

In actuality, the urge to drink is not motivated by the conscious mind.

It’s the subconscious mind, the unconscious mind, the deeper aspect of the mind, or the unconscious mind as I refer to it.

Our brain looks backward in time to discover the most appropriate resource to lift our spirits when we are depressed…

And if the solution is one, two, or three glasses of wine…

Even at 9:00 am, our minds will tell us that this is the finest way to feel secure!


According to a University of Texas research, 
“Our subconscious learns to consume more alcohol when we drink.”

However, that’s not all… Because alcohol consumption is essentially a learning and memory disorder, according to an emerging consensus in the neuroscience community, which includes this study!

What does this imply to you, then? So all you have to do to feel safe is to sever the links between alcohol and your old recollections of drinking it.

And as a result, the need to drink will naturally disappear!

This is the rationale behind the lengthy history of hypnosis as an alcohol abuse treatment.

Considering that a Stanford University Medical Center study that used brain scans during hypnosis revealed this.

The default system network, a region of the brain linked to habits and the unconscious mind, functions less well under hypnosis.

That’s why, by focusing on your unconscious mind, hypnosis helps you break free from old, unhealthy behavioral habits and establish new, healthy ones.

Consider it this way:

Thoughts are like sleds falling down a snow-covered hill in your unconscious mind.

Additionally, each time a fresh sled descends the slope, it will be drawn, almost like a magnet, to the preexisting tracks.

Your brain’s most frequently traversed neural connections, many of which pass through the default system network, are represented by these primary tracks.

It gets tougher and harder over time to slide down the slope in an other direction or on any other track.

Because of this, thinking about anything other than drinking becomes nearly hard when one is feeling anxious or exposed.

Because each time someone takes a drink to help them relax, well,

The unconscious mind confirms that pre-existing tracks, or increase social confidence.

In what ways might The Drink Less Method assist?

The snow naturally flattens under hypnosis.

As a result, the heavily traveled paths vanish, and the sled is able to move in unexpected directions, discovering and essentially forging new routes.

The mind is most malleable when the snow is freshest, and even the smallest prod can have a significant impact on how it develops in the future, helping your brain to form new, healthier pathways.

You receive gentle but effective suggestions while in a hypnotic state that assist you in forming new, healthier memories and behavioral patterns.

That take the place of the outdated ones that fuel your brainless craving for alcohol!

The simple fact is that hypnosis is a quick fix for cutting back on alcohol without requiring you to go back on your history or try to understand why.

Because alcohol and relaxation are not subconsciously associated after a long day of labor, hypnosis eliminates this relationship.

Or the unintentional link between drinking and social confidence…

Or the unwitting correlation between drinking and every other trigger that can result in an insatiable thirst…

Consequently, one does not need to rely on willpower or feel as though alcohol is being withheld from them when they are not tempted to drink…

Heads up…

Helping those who want to cut back on their drinking is my BIG passion!

I have never before provided all of my secret drink-reducing methods in a one software, so I am really enthusiastic about this.

I am aware of the costs associated with alcohol drinking and the savings you will see by using my approach to cut back!

I will thus give you a significant discount. I’ll refer to this as an Early Adopter Rate so you may sign up before I release the application at its “true value!”

You will receive the equivalent of seven private consultations with me if you choose to work with me.

Previously, I would charge $600 for each appointment, so this would ordinarily cost you $4200 altogether.

And daily best practices and notes to assist you achieve your goal of giving up alcohol and living a happier, healthier life!

Here, I’ll briefly review the strategy for this unique opportunity.

I would want to invite you to participate with me in an effective, tried-and-true strategy that just plain works.

In actuality, most sober or drink-reduction strategies complicate things when they don’t have to.

If you’re prepared to take control of your relationship with alcohol and cut back on your consumption…

Should you choose to work with me, you will receive the same benefits as seven private consultations without having to pay $4200!

Most Popular

7 Drink Less Conversations

Training in Inner Dialogue

The Most Recent Methods for Neuroplasticity

5 Transformative Hypnosis Tracks

Audio Training for Reducing Anxiety 

Bonus Subliminal Track

Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF

Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF

What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

​Mind Maintenance Membership (valued at $19) – Yours FREE


Best Value

7 Drink Less Conversations

Training in Inner Dialogue

The Most Recent Methods for Neuroplasticity

5 Transformative Hypnosis Tracks

Audio Training for Reducing Anxiety 

Bonus Subliminal Track

Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF

Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF

What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

​Mind Maintenance Membership (valued at $19) – Yours FREE for the first month

TOTAL $139

The two plans consist of…

✔ I’ll be concentrating on your drink-reduction goals for 7 days.

✔ Discover in 7 incredible days how my Inner Dialogue approach has transformed the lives of over 100,000 drinkers!

✔ Over the course of 7 amazing days, you will learn how to let go of past drinking experiences and things that have been preventing you from being the healthier and happier version of yourself!

✔ You will learn how to deal with life more effectively without reaching for a drink or two throughout these 7 life-changing days.

✔ I produced 5 incredible hypnosis sessions per day to help you reach your drink-reduction objectives even more quickly!

✔ Bonus: A 1 hour Subliminal recording of Drink Less


How to control alcohol instead of letting it control YOU!


Don’t pass on this once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Keep in mind that you will learn:

✔ Strong neuroplasticity strategies that alter your emotional connection to alcohol

✔ My special psychology course, Inner Dialogue

✔ You can utilize it in the seclusion of your own house.

✔ No costly counseling sessions

✔ Don’t disclose to others that you are seeing a therapist for your drinking problems.

Check out these endorsements

from Drink Less Clients!

Alcohol Is No Longer A Habit But A Treat

“It’s not as difficult as I had thought when I had a plan to follow. In the last ten days, I have only had five little glasses of wine, which is a big improvement. There was less of an internal fight and less of a gap to fill with alcohol because I feel stronger and more tolerant of my own current circumstances. Alcohol is no longer a habit but rather a treat.”

Pyschologies Magazine – Rebecca Smith, UK

I Haven’t Had To Give Up Alcohol Entirely!

“I slept better and had healthier skin. My typical weekly total of 40 units drops to a more manageable (for me) 21 at the end of the week. Because of hypnosis… And what’s so amazing about it? I haven’t had to entirely give up drinking.”

The Daily Mail, Liz Hoggard, UK

Yesterday, I was asked if I had gotten a facelift !

“I’ve dropped seven pounds, but I’m not sure if that’s because I’m more active and have more energy. I constantly hearing how good I look. I was asked yesterday if I had gotten a facelift. I used to believe that drinking helped me unwind, add interest to my life, and make myself seem more intriguing. It’s simply untrue.”

-The Independent Newspaper

Take A Look At These Tried-And-True Methods And Experience The Feeling Of Controlling Alcohol!

Put an end to the awkward circumstances that

drinking can lead to.



“That cycle of regret every morning that gets so tiring!” is the

final statement.

For you to regain your life 
without enduring 12-Step programs forever…

Put an end to cold turkey and gritted teeth willpower!

If you are aware of how alcohol is hurting your life but don’t want to give it up entirely, try the 7 Days To Drink Less technique.

✔ The quickest and simplest methods for cutting back on alcohol use that won’t be discovered!

✔ The effects happen quickly and effectively; drinking habits that are healthier take the place of cravings.

✔ Ensured to lower your alcohol intake while enhancing your mental health.

✔ The world’s greatest program for alcohol reduction.

✔ All content is available to you for eternity.

✔ The good news is that you don’t have to give up drinking in order for the program to be effective—it starts working right away!

✔ Without the worry and shame, discover the happier, healthier drinker you truly are.

✔ Get in the habit of drinking less and make wise decisions about what, when, and why you drink.

✔ Take a look at the natural ‘drink less’ technique and bid adieu to old, regretful drinking habits!

✔ Say goodbye to sipping alcohol covertly and acting less intoxicated than you actually are.

✔ Remove the Booze Belly from your body permanently without giving it any thought!

It’s important for me to clarify that when I assist clients who wish to cut back on their alcohol use, it’s them that succeed, not me!


Your mind is the key to cutting back on alcohol consumption. I’ll provide you with the methods and resources you need to do this.

I’ve been asked the following questions by people:

Q: What if I miss a day?

A: Missing a day is quite typical given our hectic schedules. There is no pressure to finish in seven days. Simply continue where you left off and relish traveling at your own speed.

Q: How often should I listen to the hypnosis recordings?

A: I think it would be great if you listened to one of the recordings once a day. I understand, though, that if time is limited, three or four times a week will still yield the same outcomes.

I recommend it daily since it will help you maintain your emotional health and give yourself some alone time to meditate!

Q: Should I tell others I am doing the 7 Days To Drink Less program?

A: This is your business, not anyone else’s, in my opinion. Over the course of the next six weeks and beyond, all that will be visible to others is a happier, healthier YOU and, if necessary, a smaller, naturally less-drinking version of yourself!

How Does it Work?


The seven-day program is designed to help individuals cut back on their alcohol consumption by providing new techniques and resources every day. Here’s a quick rundown:

Day 1: Understanding Your Drinking Habits – Participants begin by assessing their own drinking habits and pinpointing the situations and people that make them drink too much.

Day 2: The Power of Positive Thinking – The goal of this day is to employ hypnotherapy techniques to change negative ideas related to alcohol consumption.

Day 3: Self-Care and Emotional Support – Participants discover healthy stress and emotion management techniques without the use of alcohol.

Day 4: “Building a Healthy Relationship with Alcohol,” participants learn techniques for moderation in alcohol consumption.

Day 5: Mindfulness and Drinking – To improve awareness and control, mindful drinking techniques are examined.

Day 6: Strengthening Positive Changes – Today is all about strengthening the progress that has been made and taking care of any problems that still need to be resolved.

Day 7: Developing a Sustainable Plan: In this day, participants create a long-term strategy to keep up their new drinking patterns.

Benefits of the Program

Flexibility: The program makes it easier for people who aren’t ready to give up alcohol entirely by allowing for moderate drinking.

Holistic Approach: It tackles the emotional and psychological effects of alcohol consumption.

Prompt Results: Within seven days, notable improvements are evident.

In summary


“7 Days to Drink Less” is a useful and efficient way for people who want to cut back on their alcohol intake. It offers an interesting change from conventional approaches by emphasizing moderation and employing cutting-edge strategies.

Most Popular

7 Drink Less Conversations

Training in Inner Dialogue

The Most Recent Methods for Neuroplasticity

5 Transformative Hypnosis Tracks

Audio Training for Reducing Anxiety 

Bonus Subliminal Track

Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF

Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF

What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

​Mind Maintenance Membership (valued at $19) – Yours FREE


Best Value

7 Drink Less Conversations

Training in Inner Dialogue

The Most Recent Methods for Neuroplasticity

5 Transformative Hypnosis Tracks

Audio Training for Reducing Anxiety 

Bonus Subliminal Track

Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF

Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF

What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

​Mind Maintenance Membership (valued at $19) – Yours FREE for the first month

TOTAL $139